20 Sep , 2014 hastening the work,missionary work,mormon

September 20, 2014–Joy on the Job

I just posted this on the Facebook page, How Great Shall Be My Joy, a few moments ago:

This morning I went to Great Falls, VA to do an estimate for a customer. She mentioned she’s moving to St. Louis, Missouri. I told her I was a Mormon missionary when I was 19 in Missouri. She said her sister married a Mormon guy and now lives in Provo. She also mentioned she has 6 nieces and nephews in Provo who are Mormon.

I did the estimate, left the house and got in the truck. That’s when the Spirit prompted me to give her an Articles of Faith card. I pulled one out of my wallet and went back to the front door. I showed it to her and told her that’s what her nieces and nephews believed.

“You can even quiz them,” I said, “…by asking them questions about what’s on the back of the card.” I also told her it works well as a bookmark for her Bible. She smiled and thanked me. She gladly accepted the card.

You can’t plan to have these experiences; they just get dropped on you when you least expect it. Carry the card and you’ll probably get a chance to give it away. Enjoy!

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