Joy at the Motor Vehicle Administration

I went to the MVA yesterday to renew my drivers license. Little did I know that you can even find joy at the Motor Vehicle Administration!
I was there for a few hours before I found out I had an administrative flag on my record which requires a separate trip to another part of town to clear that up. So, I made that trip today and was excited to go back to the MVA this afternoon to get my new license.
When I went back they gave me the required number to hang onto while I waited in line. In about 30 minutes that number was called so I went up to my respective booth to meet with the MVA representative.
God is Good at the MVA
As I did he asked me how my day was going. I told him my day was going great and that I was excited to get my new license. I then told him it was my birthday.
”Ah, that’s wonderful!” he said. “God is good!”
The Prompting
That was all I needed to hear. Immediately I had the impression to give him an Articles of Faith card. It helps when Jesus’ picture is on the front of it.
I gave him the card and told him that I thought God is good too. I then told him that on the inside is what Mormons believe, or Latter-day Saints.
His joy was immediate. He clutched that card like it was a Christmas gift. He put it in his shirt pocket and then tapped it three times with his hand. I knew I had scored.
He thanked me multiple times and continued to put his hand over his shirt pocket to hold it close to his heart.
A few minutes later I had my new license. I also had a new friend. I told him how impressed I was with the way he handled my situation. Additionally I told him I hope people treat him with respect each day. He thanked me again for the card and wished me well.
Summary of Joy at the Motor Vehicle Administration
God can make you a missionary even at the MVA if you have something to give out. My new friend will read that card, probably more than once. It will certainly outlast the 10 minutes I had to visit with him. That’s the value of having the card with you—it continues to do the missionary work long after you’ve left.
I loved this experience today. It was actually about much more than getting a drivers license.
God really is good. My new friend got it right!
articles of faith card, Drivers license, God is good, Motor vehicle administration, Mva