Joy at the McDonald’s Drive-thru

I had a 45 minute drive ahead of me to make it to the Baltimore Washington International Airport by 4 o’clock. I was on my way to pick up my mother and stepfather who had flown across the country to visit me for a few days. Little did I know what was about to happen at a McDonald’s Drive-thru…
Not surprisingly, I was also hungry. So I decided to make a quick stop at McDonald’s to pick up a bacon ranch salad and a Diet Coke.
The Opportunity
I placed my order then started to drive around the building. That’s when I saw it: the license plate on the car ahead of me. It said this:

“He died for me; I’ll live for Him”
So what would you think if you were right behind this person? And keep in mind your cars are moving slowly forward about every 15 or 20 seconds.
The Impression
My impression was quick and to the point. I grabbed an Articles of Faith card that I keep in my truck and put the truck in park. The card has a picture of Jesus on the front of it. That’s our connection. I quickly hopped out, ran forward, and was soon standing right outside this lady’s open window.
What I didn’t think about is that I was going to initially scare her. Which I did. But I quickly recovered and showed her the card with Jesus’ picture on it.
“I love your license plate!“ I exclaimed. Then I handed her the card and told her that on the back is what Mormons believe. She got the biggest smile on her face and said thank you. As I turned and quickly ran back to my truck I said it one more time, “I love your license plate!“
Remember, it’s a McDonald’s Drive-thru!
In 10 seconds I was back in my truck pulling forward to pay for my meal.
God can make you a missionary even at a McDonald’s drive-thru if you have something to give to another person.
And the lady loved it.
drive-thru, inspiration, Jesus, jesus christ, McDonald's, spirit